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Buddha Beer - Bow Down!

Americans love pickup trucks. We love liberty. We love Coca-Cola and bikinis and cherry lip gloss and handguns. And Americans love… Buddha. Think about it – we do! We f-ing LOOOOVE Buddha. Or more like buddha, with a small “b”. Put him on yoga mats, stickers, t-shirts, little garden fountains, hipster tchotchkes of any shape or size – we gobble them up.

Now, some brilliant person has put Buddha together with the thing that Americans love most of all: BEER.

Where do they sell this earthly delight? At Target. I know, it just gets better and better, right? Strolling through the familiar, well-lit aisles, I glanced to my right and saw these little beauties staring back at me:

This is a clear indication that we view eastern religions with a certain irreverence. Have you ever seen “Jesus Beer” in the supermarket? I think not. There are loose, internet-specific threads connecting the son of God with brewskies. Like this little gem >

…but this idea is not ready for the mainstream. When it comes to Siddhartha, on the other hand, we’ll put it right out there. Target is such a squeaky clean company that it may as well be Disney. So my take-away is that Isaac Mizrahi, Target, and Disney all think Buddha is a big fat joke. And that everyone else out there is OK with that.

Yet I say thank you – thank you Mr. Mizrahi. Because this bottle is more than adorable enough to justify drinking the mediocre adult beverage contained within. Mmmmm… beer and religion in one affordable 6-pack. 


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