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about me
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My mom warned me early and often, “If you keep eating that much rice, your eyes are going to start to slant!”  Now Mom, that’s a pretty politically incorrect thing to say.  It’s technically incorrect also, as it turns out. 


In fact, after consulting with several doctors as well as Web MD, the consensus seems to be that I can never actually become Asian (failed algebra three times and didn't even feel that bad about it).  So when it comes to Asian cuisine I’m doomed to muddle through with my god-given Caucasian taste buds, however limited they may be.


On the other hand, don’t go getting the impression that I’m some ignorant gwai lo raised on sweet and sour sauce.  Consider this impressive resume: 



- Only white girl to complete Mandarin 1, 2 and 3, University High, class of ‘97. 

  - Received years of training in removal of shoes when there are 2 (two) or more pairs of shoes within a five foot radius of a        residential doorway.  

  - Enjoyed multiple viewings of Jackie Chan’s Twin Dragons AND Drunken Master. 

  - Like, totally know who Quan Yin is. 


Culture, FTW.


This blog is mostly about a quest for the ultimate Asian food experiences in an American city that’s up to the task of dishing them out.  It’s about throwing down on new ingredients, some of which have eyes, or smell like bat guano, or are frightening to pets and small children. Why? Because when I walk into 99 Ranch Market, there are still about 1,000 ingredients I have no idea what to do with. Who the hell is buying all of those live eels and preserved duck’s eggs?!  Something has always told me that the answer should be: ME. 


But there’s still a long way to go. At restaurants, I still can’t conquer certain items… like jellyfish. Many times have I tried, and many times failed. My brain thinks “Pork Lungs in Chili Sauce”, but my mouth says “Kung Pao Chicken”. So I will light another candle and ask my Kraft Mac and Cheese-making ancestors to grant me strength to try again. 


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